Abstract:This paper examines the extent to which female university students have experienced varying forms of gender-based discrimination in recruitment and its social impacts based on data from a special survey and interviews after a discussion of what constitutes gender-based discrimination in university recruitment and its different forms. The findings show that 80 percent of the female university students have experienced one or more forms of gender-based discrimination in their search for employment and close to three fourth of them have experienced both overt and covert discrimination. Gender-based discrimination in employment has not only worsened female students' employment opportunities but also severely undermined their self-confidence. They may develop resentment and feeling of unjust, potentially affecting family happiness and social harmony. The paper suggests for the government and relevant agencies to step up the implementation of policy against gender-based discrimination in employment so as to promote equality in employment between male and female university students.
杨慧. 大学生招聘性别歧视及其社会影响研究*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2015, 0(4): 97-103.
YANG Hui. Social Impacts of Gender-Based Discrimination in Employment among Female University Students. , 2015, 0(4): 97-103.
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