Abstract:Using the Scale of Public Attitude about Suicide (SPAS) and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation-Chinese Version (BSICV), this study aims to examine the situations and factors influencing attitudes towards and motives for suicide among 435 working women. The results show that working women's attitudes towards suicide overall tended to be negative or against suicidal behavior. They held positive attitudes towards the possibility of suicide prevention. The detectable rate of suicidal ideation among working women was 27.82%. Factors that affect both suicide attitude and suicidal ideation among working women range from demographic, and social to personal factors.
田丽丽, 周文静. 职业女性自杀态度与自杀意念及其影响因素分析*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(6): 28-33.
TIAN Li-li, ZHOU Wenjing. Factors Influencing the Attitudes towards and Motives for Suicide among Working Women. , 2013, 0(6): 28-33.
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