Abstract:With the introduction of western modern views on woman and the development of discourse on strengthening nationally among pioneering intellectuals, women translators in the early 20th century participated in the construction of gender discourse by means of their literary translation. In their translation practice, their gender awareness and concern for woman can be witnessed in their discussion of the major gender issues at that time, including the legitimacy of love, the goals of women's learning, marriage, woman's chastity, views on childbearing and the ways for women to pursue independence. In the midst of various gender discourses, they did not follow mainstream thinking blindly but hold an objective attitude towards the modern identity construction of Chinese women.
罗列. 翻译、性别与现代身份的建构*——论20世纪初叶中国女性译者翻译中的性别政治诉求[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2013, 0(2): 70-76.
LUO Lie. Translation, Gender and the Construction of Modern Identity: Search of Sexual Politics by Women Translators in the Early 20th-Century China. , 2013, 0(2): 70-76.
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