Analysis of Influencing Factors in Rural Women's Right in Significant Family Decisions
Center for Population and Development Studies at the Renmin University of China; National Survey Research Center at the Renmin University of China, 100872 Beijing ,China
Abstract:Using data from a family and fertility survey conducted by Renmin University of China in 2010, we classified the influencing factors in rural women's right in significant family decisions into five categories: women's own characters, support from their parents, their birth to a son, outside influence and cultural differences. We then used these influencing factors as independent variables and rural women's right in significant family decisions as dependent variable in a binary-logistic regression, in order to examine and compare the importance of each factor. The conclusion shows that some factors which are significantly related to dependent variable in some single -factor research are not significant in our model which considered various aspects. Of all factors taken into account in this article, women's income and living conditions (whether to live with the husband's family) have the most significant and strongest influences on the rural women's right to participate in the significant family decision, while differences in couple's educational levels and different culture can also have significant impacts.
陶涛. 中国农村妇女家庭重大决策参与权的影响因素研究*[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2012, 0(5): 17-22.
TAO Tao. Analysis of Influencing Factors in Rural Women's Right in Significant Family Decisions. , 2012, 0(5): 17-22.
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